ACS Journey towards Christian Classical Education
Join Mr. Limon as he shares in this four part series ACS Journey towards Christian Classical Education.
At the end of each video you may click Parts 2-4.
A battle for the minds of our children has been taking place for decades. We have seen in recent years the intensity to influence a generation through education. Our desire at ACS is to stand in the gap for our students…training and equipping them in faith, character, heart, and service. Join us as we teach our students not what to think, but how to think!
-Principal Edward Limon
What’s the difference between
Conventional Christian Education
Classical Christian Education?

We thank Classical Academic Press and the author, Dr. Christopher Perrin for allowing us to post this article.
For many years ACS has established that Scripture at every point is the foundation on which to build all knowledge. ACS approach towards Christian education coheres better with a biblical view of man, who is not perfect and where the beginning of knowledge can be found through God. Secular educational theory views man as inherently good and, if left to his own devices, will choose the right thing. This is why ACS will be continuing to teach from a biblical worldview in all subjects, while at the same time embracing a classical method that will implement reading in the classics and student engagement around Socratic discussion.
Classical methodology capitalizes on the strengths of God's creative work by requiring of a child what he is best equipped to do: memorization—grammar stage; argument—logic stage; analysis and expression—rhetoric stage.
By embracing the Classical method, we add ways for the learner to acquire information, grasp it intellectually, and use it purposefully. It teaches them not to simply learn a subject but how to think.
Good Soil: A Comparative Study of Association of Classical Christian School Alumni Life Outcomes
Release date: January 27, 2020: 2018–19 comparative study of 24-to 42-year-old alumni from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools, on topics of life choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices.
The goal of education in ancient and medieval times was to teach children how to think and learn for themselves. They were given the tools of learning and then taught how to apply those tools of learning to any subject they encountered.
We call this the TRIVIUM
The Trivium is nothing more than a proven and very practical approach to education that works. It is an instructional model that (1) is a common-sense way of looking at subjects, (2) approaches the study of subjects in a way that naturally fits with how we learn, and (3) tailors curriculum content to a child’s cognitive development.
Grammar stage (grades K–5th) involves learning the fundamentals of a language and how to use it properly. Students would primarily use these methods: memorization, recitation, games, oral drills, practice, written and oral exercises, flash cards.
Logic stage (grades 6–8) trains a person in good reasoning so they properly understand questions and make good arguments; the study of logic is built on formal logic which allows a person to follow the logic of an argument. Students would primarily use these methods: questioning, debate, investigation, research, literature, and discussions.
Rhetoric stage (grades 9–12) would find students using abstract thinking, delving deep into curricular materials, using knowledge and understanding in application to life issues, writing and presenting research. Students would use these methods: essays, oral presentations, debate, defense papers, cross-curricular projects and written expression.
Vice President Member Services and Advancement
Dr. Tim Dernlan
I would like to take this time to welcome you to Arcadia Christian School. For seventy-eight years Arcadia Christian School has been a community dedicated to God, family, and academic excellence.
Here you will find we are passionate about developing a strong spiritual foundation in each of our students, as well as providing each child with a rigorous academic experience. Our teachers and staff are called to their work at Arcadia Christian School and they are committed to providing students with a preparatory curriculum integrated with biblical teaching; all in a loving and caring environment.
Your child’s future matters to us. That’s why we are excited about continuing towards a Christian Classical Education method. Though we currently implement some Classical methods, by fully implementing the method K-High School, we will equip our children with the necessary tools to master whatever subject they encounter in life, and more importantly, to tackle the great issues of life to the glory of God while partnering with you.
If part of your family’s mission is to train your children up to have a strong biblical worldview foundation and to have family values equal to yours, then I strongly encourage you to consider Arcadia Christian School. We would be honored to partner with you as you seek God’s best direction for your children’s education and future.
Edward Limon Arcadia Christian School Principal
Association of Classical Christian Schools
“The Lost Tools of Learning” – By Dorothy Sayers
“Introduction to Classical Education” – By Dr. Christopher Perrin
“Battle for the American Mind” – By David Goodwin
Research Shows Benefits of a Classical Christian Education - by Gene Veith
The Miseducation of America A New Documentary from FOX News Features Classical Christian Education
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